Gomocup - the Gomoku AI Tournament


Gomocup 2025 is coming! See the announcement for details.

Gomocup 2024 has finished. We temporarily provide the downloads of new and updated AIs at this Github repository. The page of results has been updated. You can still view games on Gomocup 2024 Live.

The Gomocup user site is online now! It is recommended to submit your AIs there for Gomocup. Click here for details.

Welcome to the forum of Gomocup! Click here for details.

Gomocup is the tournament of artificial intelligence playing gomoku. The aim of competitors is to program a computer artificial intelligence (AI) playing the gomoku game (also called Five in a Row, Connect 5 or Gobang) as good as possible. These gomoku AIs compete in a tournament every year. People from any country may participate! The tournament is being played since 2000 and takes place every year. There are results here. Here you could found the Elo ratings of all the AI’s which have participated in Gomocup. If you want to come to know a little more, visit information pages.

If you want to join the tournament and compete with your own AI, please enroll. If you want to play against gomoku AIs, download the Piskvork gomoku interface and the AIs from the download page. If you are interested in any old version of any gomoku AI, send us an email and if we have it, we would send it to you. And here are some links. If you have written your own gomoku AI, please enroll it to the tournament or if you are considering writing your own gomoku AI, please check detail information how to write your AI.

Gomocup is sponsored by Tech Center of Lightspeed & Quantum Studios, Tencentsponsorhttps://guangzi.qq.com/

Tech Center jobs view
1. Game AI Researcher-Reinforcement Learning: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/1944140908/
2. Game AI Programmer: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/1944146268/