New link to open source Gomoku programs
Published by Tomas Kubes at Nov 23, 2015
I have received and email about two open source Gomoku programs from Dzon Korniszon.
First program is Carbon Gomoku on GitHub. We tried to port it to Gomocup AI and it appears that Carbon Gomoku is quite strong. Petr Lastovicka is working on Carbon Gomoku port for Gomocup.
The second interesting AI is ;Stahlfaust Gomoku AI player on github. This AI is under GNU General Public License, so it can be ported if someone is interested.
Gomocup base of brain for C#
Published by Tomas Kubes at Nov 8, 2015
Petr Lastovicka created base of brain for C#.
Piskvork 8.7 released
Published by Tomas Kubes at May 25, 2015
We are proud to announce that piskvork 8.7 has been released. It contains improvements and bug fix:
- Tournament progress on taskbar icon on Windows 7 or later
- Port number is written into log window when network tournament starts
- Window is not scaled and blurred on high DPI monitors
- New AI pbrain-pela
- Merged with changes from AcaPela, these changes has been fixed and optimized (no more crashes caused by AcaPela improvements)
- Compilation has been optimized (Pela is faster)
Bug Fixes:
- rule "five or more stones win / exactly five stones win" in network tournament
Gomocup 2015 is over
Published by Tomas Kubes at May 3, 2015
Gomocup 2015 is over. The Winner is Yixin written by Kai Sun from China. Please accept my congratulations on this wonderful gomoku AI.
The second was RenjuSolver and Tito was the third.
You can download the results and new gomoku engines.
You can still access the online preview of the games in Gomocup online.
Gomocup 2015 Live
Published by Tomas Kubes at May 1, 2015
You can watch Gomocup 2015 Live, it will start soon.
Gomocup 2015 announcement
Published by Tomas Kubes at Feb 22, 2015
Hello all Gomocup fans!
April 2015 is coming and I would like to inform you about some details. Gomocup 2015 will take place on May the 1st to 3rd 2015. The deadline is on the 28th of April 2015 at 22pm UTC. I have to changed the original deadline because of my business trip.
After some question, I had to clarify the compatibly issues (because of x86 and x64 and MS DOS end of support in Win8 and Windows XP end of support), you don't need to make any changes to current AI, but I recommend to read Compatibility chapter in Detail page again.
Memory limit is determined to 350MB, time per move/per match will be 5s/120s for fast game and 30s/180s for freestyle game and 300s/1000s for the final.
Gomocup 2014
Published by Tomas Kubes at Apr 4, 2014
Gomocup 2014 online has been finished.
The winner of Gomocup 2014 is Yixin 2014 written by Kai Sun from China. Congratulation. The second Was RenjuSolver (H6) and Hewer 2014 was the third.
You can download the results and new gomoku engines.
You can still access the online preview of the games in Gomocup online.